Tummy Rumble - A Parachute Play Event - Dundee Food Festival
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Join us for a free drop-in play event with artist Katherine Fay Allan; centred around a hand-made play parachute featuring enlarged images of microorganisms found in the human digestive system.

Together, through play, we will learn about what happens in our bellies and how to keep them healthy. Children (aged between 4 – 8) are invited to sit in a circle accompanied by their family members and take part in games. Katherine Fay will provide a series of activities based on classic parachute games such as fruit salad, popcorn, and parachute partners; but reframed to promote the benefits of a varied diet, visiting green spaces, and good sleep schedules.

The event is sure to fill your families’ minds and tummies with good gut feelings.

The organisers of this event have pledged to...

Eliminate Single-Use Plastic
Going The Extra Mile
Incorporate Seasonal Local Produce
Reduce Food Waste

We will offer seasonal local produce, where available, and indicate these where appropriate

As an environmentally conscious artist, I pledge to source seasonal produce grown as locally as possible for the picnic element of ‘Tummy Rumble; A Play Parachute Event’.

We have a plan in place to reduce food waste

As an environmentally conscious artist, I pledge to minimize food waste as much as possible.

The picnic is an additional element to the children’s play event, however we expect some food waste. We plan to minimize this as much as possible by serving small tasters of foods children have perhaps not tried before/eaten regularly. Any leftover foods will be gifted to festival-goers or donated to local community fridges. If there is any food waste left after this, we will compost it.

We will not use single-use plastic

As an environmentally conscious artist, I pledge to use as little single-use plastic as possible.

For the picnic element of the activity, we will use compostable paper plates, napkins, and cups. Food items offered to participants will be seasonal and locally produced.

For the parachute itself I’ll be using waterproof plastic material, this is to ensure the functionality and longevity of the piece so that it can be used for multiple events for years to come.


Throughout my making process, I am always actively assessing the environmental impact of my work. This will inform my creative decisions i.e. where I source materials, what materials I choose to work with, what is the life span of the work, and how will the piece be used after the event.

Materials: I will source materials from second-hand centres such as Circular Arts Net, ScrapAntics, and Facebook Marketplace and swap shops. For materials I cannot source from these services I will try to source the most environmentally conscious suppliers I can. Materials will be purchased in person as much as possible, to minimise fuel consumption through delivery services.

Transport: Public transport will be used traveling to and from Dundee (except when access needs require alternative methods).