The Horeb Food Company - Dundee Food Festival
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Dundee Food Festival is a celebration of the city’s dynamic culinary scene, set for Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July. This two-day event will take place at notable venues including V&A Dundee, Discovery Point, City Square, the Waterfront, and Slessor Gardens. The festival highlights local produce and the food & drink culture through various events, talks, and activities.

We are excited to participate as one of Dundee Food Festival’s venues, featuring our distinctive Afro-Caribbean menu. This collaboration will offer attendees an additional venue to savour diverse culinary experiences and enrich the festival’s array of flavours. Our commitment to the Sustainability Charter aligns with the festival’s emphasis on reducing food waste, cutting down on plastic usage, and supporting local producers. We look forward to playing a role in the success of Dundee Food Festival and celebrating the city’s flourishing food and drink scene.

The organisers of this event have pledged to...

Eliminate Single-Use Plastic
Incorporate Seasonal Local Produce
Reduce Food Waste

We will offer seasonal local produce, where available, and indicate these where appropriate

At The Horeb Food Company, we prioritize using seasonal local produce in our menu. We collaborate closely with local suppliers to ensure fresh, locally sourced ingredients feature prominently. We proudly indicate these offerings on our menu over the festival weekend, fostering transparency and promoting sustainability.

We have a plan in place to reduce food waste

At The Horeb Food Company, we have developed a comprehensive plan to minimize food waste. Our strategy includes meticulous menu planning to ensure accurate portioning, creative use of surplus ingredients in new dishes. Additionally, we educate our staff on proper food handling and storage practices to prevent spoilage. Through these initiatives, we aim to not only reduce our environmental impact but also set a positive example for sustainability within the community.

We will not use single-use plastic

At The Horeb Food Company, we are committed to eliminating single-use plastic. Instead, we will utilize eco-friendly alternatives such as compostable or biodegradable packaging, reusable containers, and paper-based materials. Our goal is to minimize plastic pollution and promote a more sustainable approach to packaging and serving food. By implementing these measures, we aim to reduce our environmental footprint and support the festival’s sustainability objectives.