The Barrie Box - Dundee Food Festival
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AP Barrie is a fourth-generation family run farm in the heart of Perthshire growing the finest Strawberries, Raspberries and Blackberries. Their Barrie Box Farm Shop will be at Dundee Food Festival selling fresh produce straight from their fields and goodies from neighbours and other local businesses. This charming farm shop stocks a range of artisan goods, including jams, cheeses and fresh baked goods, sourced from the best of Scottish and British producers.

The organisers of this event have pledged to...

Eliminate Single-Use Plastic
Incorporate Seasonal Local Produce
Reduce Food Waste

We will offer seasonal local produce, where available, and indicate these where appropriate

We are using compostable packing for our fruit. All fruit not good enough goes into our ice cream.

We have a plan in place to reduce food waste

All fruit not good enough goes into our ice cream, or jam.

We will not use single-use plastic

We don’t use single use plastic in our shop.