McManus Creates: Playful Packaging - Dundee Food Festival
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As part of this year’s Dundee Food Festival, join us for a special McManus Creates. Take inspiration from the museum’s fascinating food-themed collection of objects and artworks, from a chocolate nurse dating back to the second world war, to vintage grocery packaging. Work alongside the museum’s Creative Learning Team to design and print your own playful food packaging, add to a large-scale mural, or delve into constructing 3d paper food sculptures! 

Saturday – 1.30pm – 3.30pm

The organisers of this event have pledged to...

Eliminate Single-Use Plastic

We will not use single-use plastic

As an museum, for all workshop art resources, instead of using single-use plastic, we will use eco-friendly alternatives, including recycled cardboard, reusable containers, print trays, water-based printing inks and paper-based materials.

Our goal is to minimise plastic pollution and promote a more sustainable approach to creating artwork with recycled resources.