Cairn O’Mohr - Dundee Food Festival
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  • Organisation: Cairn O’Mohr
  • Entry requirements: Samples of alcohol to over 18’s only
  • Get directions

Cairn O’Mohr will be at Dundee Food Festival at Dundee City Square.

Based amongst the rich fields and the hedge fringed country roads of the Carse of Gowrie, Perthshire, there’s this strange Scottish winery. Since 1987 Cairn o’ Mohr has been brewing up juicy-fruity, berry loaded, blossom scented, leafy layered, award-winning country wines, using the berries for which the area is famous, wild flowers, fruits and leaves. Fruit wines, sparkling wines, ciders and bourtree juices using near anything that grows. Owners Ron and Judith Gillies believe in sourcing locally and living in an area flush with wild ingredients and some of the best fruit in the world it’s all there for the picking. 

The organisers of this event have pledged to...

Eliminate Single-Use Plastic
Going The Extra Mile
Incorporate Seasonal Local Produce
Reduce Food Waste

We will offer seasonal local produce, where available, and indicate these where appropriate

We offer continuity of supply with our wines, ciders and non-alcoholic drinks, although they are made very seasonally.

Many of our ingredients are foraged with permission from local farms and estates, where we pay in kind based on harvest weight and whilst we may only be making elderberry wine for 3 /4 weeks every week, we work hard to make sure there is enough to last all year round.

All of our harvest comes from within a 16 mile radius. Expect the Brambles. They are, exotically, from Montrose.

We have a plan in place to reduce food waste

Since we started in 1987 we have always reused bi-products from the production process. This is now called a zero waste process, but something that we have always done.

We will not use single-use plastic

We do not use single use plastic.

Our sampling cups are compostable and our bags are biodegradable.


Our production process is carbon neutral, being offset by our many orchards.

We have many energy saving devises and lots of solar panels.

All of our fresh ingredients are local, continually supporting local farmers, which reduces carbon emissions.